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Yesterday replanting over 92 Pineapples & Sunflowers too Old farm to New
Hanging out with these PHI BEINGS Pineapples, Sunflowers, under farms Pine Trees
PHI BEINGS - PIE root word BEING a lot of what BEINGS messages, original codes

Pineapples part of project started back in OCT 2021 - FOOD SCRAPING
Heard the call of GIFT seed We all need opportunities to GROW & LIVE, plants too
Everything we are able to replant from our foods we plant, all GIFTS of GAIA
Lettuce stumps, carrot top, pototoe stubs, apple, tomatoes, seeds,
Every seed a GIFT that crosses our paths given an opportunity to GROW & LIVE
Over 300 avocado trees, 80 apple trees & so on, too many to mention
All from FOOD SCRAPS Not everything has taken, but we have learnt & grown with the whole process We reuse all old plastic containers, bottles so not buying pot plants
Many have said when sharing this info, "well I have no where to grow"
Window boxes, window sills, windscreen in cars, apartment buildings or give GAIA GIFTS
Collect pine cones from side of road, bags of them, then go to areas where there are no trees, unloved, uncared for lands & place pine cones FAE BEINGS love these gestures
Plants love CO2 they grow best with dirty air
"not what you think" or what we made to BELIEVE
Planting facilities use large CO2 pump machines to speed up growing cycles
Spitting on plants/seed sends them messages to what you may require
Sharing codes between BEINGS
Love this like becoming friends, hand shake, spitting on palms act
So here we are again SPINBEINGS sharing info on another
PALINDROME number date 22 2022 - 10 2s
Palindrome is repeating numbers, very similar to PHI BEINGS
PIE Root word - KWEL
TO SPIN ahah SPIN aha again
02.02.2020 STORM DAY - BEGINNING of all is c,....vid craziness
Also our shoot date for Italian Mag editorial name ARISEN
ARISEN CLOUD, indeed see pictures below
02 - 22.02.2022 - CLOSING grounding, grid works clearings
East Coast OZ - LISMORE FLOOD - 24 02 2022
Butterfly Effect confirmation heavy rains east coast of OZ
THE SHIFT - 22 AUG 2022 - 2 SUNS RETURN Butterfly effect
THE GIFT - 22 SEP 2022 Butterfly Effect confirmations huge rainstorm east coast OZ today
SPINBEINGS begins offering 45 mins sessions
ZOOM 1 ON 1 with ED AUD$222 & JeffMARA PODCAST #555 videos
Can’t make this stuff up right

"You cannot separate the giver from the gift"
Favourite words from FLOSSIE - Florence Scovel Shinn
"GIVE and you shall RECEIVE"
Today we are upon
GIFT DAY plant a seed
Hope you have enjoyed this share xED
